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Tools such as the stock analysis report, market summary and stock quotes, are designed to provide quick and easy access to information on a stock that you’re interested in. They are essentially research tools, to help with your investment decisions.
Trading products and research tools have their place, however, they’re never intended as a substitute for the expert advice only available from an experienced Advisor. We seek expert advice in other aspects of our lives, such as medical and legal advice, and the same should apply to your finances and investment decisions. As a Capital 19 client, you’ll be assigned a dedicated expert Advisor. That means you can contact your advisor at any time, and you’ll receive the benefit of many years of trading experience and research, so you’ll be trading Australian and global stocks with confidence.
When you’re ready to invest in local or global stocks, give our expert Advisors a call. When it comes to investing, there’s simply no substitute for the assistance provided by expert global Advisors.
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