The one thing that matters most to people about their finances in retirement is having regular, constant income that meets their essential spending needs. Furthermore, with better health care, you’re more likely to be living an active lifestyle for at least another 20 years1 or more, so it’s so much more than just planning to meet ongoing living expenses in retirement. Australian investors have recognised the need for regular income to make that work.
Most investors planning for retirement are now more than ever, focused on living off the income they receive from their investments, without touching their capital. They also realise that investing for income is much easier, as income is more predictable than capital. What this means, is that as a retiree, you’ll have more certainty and be able to spend without concern. Who says you can’t live life on your terms?
Experts in Income-Generating Investments.
We’re regarded as the local experts in Income-Generating Investments, having helped Australian investors take advantage of global investment opportunities since 2007.
Our proprietary investment solution, the Weekly Income Strategy (WIS), gives you access to a simple strategy targeting annual returns of up to 15%.
WIS is a research-proven method of getting a better risk-adjusted return than just buying stocks outright, and it can significantly increase the income you receive from your shares. Effectively, whilst you’re earning a dividend on the shares you own, with the WIS you’re generating an additional regular weekly income on top of the dividend.
Find out more about the Weekly Income Strategy and how it works.